Monday, May 7, 2007

You Don't Need YouTube!
Copyright © 2007 Shawn Pringle

Online video is huge right now, and it's here to stay! With the phenomenal growth of many other videos sites are coming out of the woodwork... sites like,, and, just to name a few. These sites are great if you want to watch some funny or interesting clips, or share videos with the world. I can easily eat up 2 or 3 hours of my day on any one of these sites. But what if I want to put video on my own web pages?

Some of these sites allow me to upload my videos to their site, then they give me the code for my blog, or whatever. This works perfectly fine for the video enthusiast that just wants to share his new skateboarding tricks with his buddies on his blog or My Space account, sure. But what about those of us that want professional-looking videos on our websites? We don't want to use our video files as is; as huge .avi or .mpeg files. If we kept them as they are they would have to play in the clunky Media
Player that we see so many others doing online (those that don't know any better). Not only is this eating up their bandwidth since these files are enormous, but the playback is often slow and choppy. On top of that, not everyone has Windows Media Player on their computers. And what about Mac visitors? They may not be able to view the videos at all. Here is what we want to be able to do:

We want to convert our videos to the standard web video format of today's "YouTubes" - Flash. (This saves a TON of bandwidth!)

We want to be able to choose which "skin" to put on our videos (a "skin" is just the look of the video player). We want to be able to send people to a specific URL after they watch our videos. We want to be able to adjust the quality settings to achieve a top-quality online flash video.

We want to integrate the videos into our websites cleanly and seamlessly, with simply cop-and-paste html code.

We want all of this and more... we want it all! (greedy bunch of folks, aren't we ;-) )

And, lo and behold, there is a solution (cue heavenly music). It is a software product called "V2F", which stands for Video-to-Flash. Check out the video examples to see what I am talking about -

There is a demo video on the site also that shows just how easy it is to use, hence the name of the web site. It truly has made putting videos on any web page a snap. I urge you to check out this awesome new software at, because you don't need YouTube!

Shawn Pringle is the owner of TopNet Solutions, a company providing a range of online services and solutions. His latest product is V2F from
and he is constantly making improvements and updates based on user feedback, all of which are sent to existing users free of charge. ============================================================

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